We did it!
Adrian Ramsay, MP for Waveney Valley, was elected on July 4th 2024.
Waveney Green Party is the local Green Party covering Lowestoft, Beccles, Southwold, Bungay, and Halesworth.
Bungay, and Halesworth also form part of the Waveney Valley Constituency which has just elected Adrian Ramsay as the first Green Party MP in East Anglia July 4th 2024.
Since May 2023 Waveney Green Party together with Suffolk Coastal Green Party has led the Green, Liberal Democrat & Independent coalition at East Suffolk District Council
Waveney Green Party is rapidly growing in membership and political effectiveness. Come and join this exciting Green wave which is sweeping not only the Waveney area but across Suffolk.
Elections July 4th – the Suffolk 8
We had eight candidates standing all across Suffolk. Find out more about all our Suffolk candidates. Local East Suffolk results here

Exciting times ahead as we work towards “a new style of politics”
Want to get involved? Read about three ways you can help right now
Our local groups
Beccles was the trail blazer, electing the first Green District and County Councillors. With three Councillors elected in 2021 and successful local projects, we’re very busy in Beccles.
The community of Bungay has a long history of involvement in environmental and community projects, whether under the Green Party banner or not.
We are a Green town for the first time. With Beth and Geoff (East Suffolk) Annette, (Suffolk County Councillor) Halesworth will work to keep our communities fair, just and green.
Come and join our new group and help us campaign
Our Elected Green Councillors

Caroline Topping
Suffolk County Councillor / Beccles, Worlingham, Barnby and North Cove. Leader of the GLI Group.
East Suffolk Councillor for Beccles, Worlingham, Barnby and North Cove.
Leader of East Suffolk Council GLI Group heading an administration formed of Green, Liberal Democrat and Independent members of the authority.

Annette Dunning
Suffolk County Councillor for Blyford & Sotherton, Brampton with Stoven, Frostenden & Uggeshall, Halesworth, Holton, Spexhall, Wangford with Henham, Westhall, Wissett, and Wrentham.
Deputy Leader Green, Liberal Democrat and Independents Group (GLI) Group at Suffolk County Council.
Group Spokesperson for Economy and Property.
Set up a new group in your area
Are you looking to join or start a Green group? We are keen to find new Greens for example in the Lowestoft and Kessingland areas and looking for new Councillors.

Toby Hammond
East Suffolk Councillor for Bungay and Wainford / Cabinet Member for Economic Development & Transport

Anthony Speca
East Suffolk Councillor for Bungay and Wainford / Chair of East Suffolk Council/ Deputy Leader of East Suffolk Council Green Group

Become a Councillor?
Are you looking to join or start a Green group? We are keen to find new Greens for example in the Lowestoft and Kessingland areas and looking for new Councillors.

Latest news
- East Suffolk Green Party born, with Fun(ding) eventThe merger of Waveney and Suffolk Coastal into East Suffolk Green Party was agreed at the end of 2024, and the inaugural meeting took place… Continue reading East Suffolk Green Party born, with Fun(ding) event
- Unitary move, challenges democracyDemocracy under threat in Green strong hold! In a shocking attempt to power grab in Norfolk and Suffolk the Conservatives are trying to cancel elections… Continue reading Unitary move, challenges democracy
- Henry Parker-Day appointedHenry Parker-Day appointed as campaign manager Suffolk
Latest News from GLI
Suffolk Green, Liberal Democrat and Independent Group at Suffolk County Council – News
- “We are incredibly grateful to Suffolk’s fire service and the dangerous job they do to keep us safe. It is frightening to think that […]
- A county councillor has hit out at the “arbitrary” decisions on Suffolk speed limits made on the “whim” of a single Conservative politician at […]
- Opposition councillors at Suffolk County Council have warned that the Conservative administration may be using the council reorganization announced by the government to avoid […]
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Our historic and present newsletters, called Green View are archived here
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